How to Insulate an Attic
你知道你的阁楼是否需要新的绝缘,但是大问题仍然存在 - 你是如何隔绝的?
Inadequate orno insulation in your attic can cause several problems, including problems maintaining a constant temperature, high monthly energy bills, and mold and mildew growth, just to name a few.
Cellulose Attic Insulation
纤维素是家庭中最古老的绝缘材料和is made up of recycled newspapers or denim. These small particles form an insulation material that conforms to most spaces without disturbing the structure or finish.
The material can be either loose-fill or blown-in and can be used in the attic.
Pros vs Cons of Cellulose Attic Insulation
Cellulose Attic Insulation Installation Process
The cost to insulate an attic with cellulose insulation可以随着所需的材料和要绝缘区域的大小而变化。另一种考虑的成本是手套,面罩,护目镜等所有材料,甚至是机械安装绝缘材料。
Hiring an experienced contractor is the more expensive option, but can save the homeowner money in the long-run and is less stress. Many times if a homeowner isn’t experienced in installing the cellulose, they will use more product than they need as they attempt to figure out the correct coverage.
Fiberglass Attic Insulation
Fiberglass insulation is made of extremely fine glass fibers. It is an insulation material that is used as batts and rolls or loose-fill.
Pros vs Cons of Fiberglass Attic Insulation
There are pros and cons when installing and handling fiberglass insulation. While it can be an inexpensive DIY project, the homeowner must ensure they take the proper safety precautions.
Fiberglass batts are typically stapled into place in the attic. These batts are manufactured with a paper or foil backing that faces the direction of a source of warmth.
Bags of fiberglass come as a loose-fill that can be blown into the attic cavities.
Fiberglass Insulation Cost
The cost to insulate your attic with fiberglass根据要绝缘的区域的大小而变化,如果承包商被聘用,则需要的劳动量,以及供应的成本。
Making the fiberglass insulation installation a DIY project is cheaper, but if there is problems along the way it could end up costing the homeowner more money in wasted materials.
喷雾泡沫绝缘材料is a water-blown and organic chemical compound derived from petroleum extracts. Open cell spray foam insulation can expand up to 100 times its original size to fill every nook and cranny of the attic area.
Pros vs Cons of Spray Foam Attic Insulation
喷雾泡沫绝缘材料creates an air seal in the home that can not only make it more comfortable, but also save money on monthly energy bills. Another pro of spray foam insulation is that there is no dust that can spread throughout the home during the installation or over time.
While spray foam insulation is the more expensive option, the savings on monthly energy bills are higher than more traditional forms of insulation. With spray foam attic insulation the house will also be more comfortable with the air seal.
Another benefit of spray foam attic insulation is that the material lasts a lifetime and doesn’t need to be maintained like traditional insulation that would need to be replaced in the future.
After the removal is complete, the spray foam contractor will run a hose up to the attic and in most cases spray the roof deck and it seals the envelope of the home. In some cases the floor of the attic is the better option, but in this case the attic must have ventilation.
Spray Foam Insulation Cost
就像传统的绝缘形式一样,用尽阁楼的成本spray foam varies on the size of the area. The size of the area is the largest contributor to the cost of the attic project. The bigger the space, the more expensive the job will be.
Choosing the Right Attic Insulation
You have now read through the choices for attic insulation and it is time to decide which material is the best fit for your attic and needs.
About Amanda Ringler
Amanda previously has worked as a breaking news and crime reporter, TV news producer, and editor inFlint和Detroit. Throughout her career as a journalist, she has won several awards from专业记者协会 - 底特律章节和the密歇根州新闻协会. As part of the RetroFoam of Michigan family, Amanda uses her experience as a journalist to write content that will help educate homeowners on the benefits of foam insulation. When Amanda isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her husband and rescued huskies. She also loves knitting, making art, cooking, and hosting dinner and a movie night for friends and family.