You have finally built the perfect workshop or storage space in your pole barn, but now you need to find the best insulation to finish the job.
Pole barn insulation不仅能保证结构lasts, but will also help regulate the temperature inside while saving you money on monthly energy bills. So whether your pole barn is used as a garage to store your tractor or muscle car, or it’s your workshop and man cave, preventing unwanted air movement into and out of the structure is an important consideration.
The most commonly used insulation materials in a pole barn are喷雾泡沫,玻璃纤维和泡沫板.
As we continue our efforts to educate our customers, we are here to discuss the best pole building insulation, including the pros and cons that go along with each material.
泡沫板是泡沫绝缘的刚性面板. They are most commonly made with polystyrene, polyisocyanurate, and polyurethane, according to the美国能源部。
Some brands of foam boards have a white foil vapor barrier on each side that works to keep water from traveling into the walls of the pole barn and keeps any mold from deteriorating the structure.
- 刚性泡沫板绝缘产品具有防水性。这将有助于限制杆谷仓中的水分积聚和霉菌的生长。
- Expanded polystyrene board, which is made using a mould to contain small beads, is the only material type that doesn’t use HCFCs in its production. This makes it a greener choice for pole barn insulation.
- 扩展的聚苯乙烯板是市场上最便宜的泡沫板材料。
- Extruded polystyrene foam board, which is made when liquid formed is continuously expelled through a die which expands during the cooling process, is reasonably priced and easy to install in pole barns.
- Expanded polystyrene foam boards are produced using closed cell foam, making them ideal for exposed walls of pole barns.
- Theinstallation of foam boards can be a DIY project给经验丰富的杂工。
- 板和木板之间的接头必须粘贴或填缝,以防止气流进入杆谷仓。
- 必须定制泡沫板板以适合隔热的杆谷仓区域。
- 扩展的聚苯乙烯板的气泡可以停止传热,但可以收集水分,从而使其无效以防止霉菌和霉菌的增长。
- Polysio foam boards can decrease insulating abilities over time.
- 刚性泡沫板比杆谷仓中使用的传统绝缘材料稍贵。
玻璃纤维是一种绝缘材料made from plastic that is reinforced with extremely fine glass fibers.
Fiberglass is a traditional form of insulation material used in homes and in pole barns because it is lightweight, inexpensive, and can be installed as a DIY project by the experienced handyman.
- 与其他材料相比,玻璃纤维绝缘材料对于杆谷仓的价格便宜。
- 玻璃纤维可能是一个DIY项目,用于体验杂工房主在杆谷仓安装的项目。
- Fiberglass insulation can slow the transfer of hot and cold air by trapping it in the material.
- Fiberglass does little to reinforce the structure of the pole barn, according to杆谷仓公司。
- The material does not stop moisture from getting into the pole barn, thus promoting the growth of mold and mildew.
- 由于玻璃纤维可以减慢冷空气的转移,因此它仍然是可渗透的,这意味着无助于防止温暖,潮湿的内部空气与杆谷仓墙接触。
- Fiberglass insulation will need to be replacedevery 25 years if it is dry, and much sooner if it gets wet.
- When fiberglass in the pole barn is disturbed in any way it can release particulates into the air that can be inhaled causing coughing, nosebleeds, and other respiratory issues.
- 当玻璃纤维与皮肤接触时,小颗粒会在毛孔中寄出,从而引起皮疹,刺激和瘙痒。
- If the fiberglass in the pole barn must be disturbed, people in the area should wear protective goggles, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and gloves.
闭孔喷雾泡沫绝缘is used in pole barns when the walls are exposed. This is because it is a much more durable material, so if it is run into with a forklift or hit with tools, it’s not going to get damaged.
- 闭孔喷雾泡沫绝缘材料是一种更耐用的绝缘材料。
- 喷雾泡沫会产生一个空气密封,可以帮助使杆谷仓的天气调节,同时具有调节温度和湿度水平的能力。闭孔也不能保留水,因此不会有霉菌或霉菌的生长。
- Spray foam is a great option for the pole barn ceiling as well as it provides a complete air seal of the structure.
- Insulating the pole barn with spray foam can help reduce monthly energy bills to heat and cool the structure.
- Spray foam insulation isn’t a food source for pests.
- 喷雾泡沫绝缘层对环境是安全的。
- Theinsulation material is class one fire rated, which makes it safe to use in pole barns.
- Spray foam insulation is amore expensive material comparedto other forms of insulation used in the pole barn.
- 经验丰富的承包商将不得不将喷雾泡沫绝缘材料安装在杆谷仓中,因为它对于DIY项目来说太复杂了。
- Certain brands of spray foam have a slight odor when installed. It is important to know which brand is being installed in the pole barn.
如果您同意喷雾泡沫绝缘材料更适合您的杆谷仓,并住在密歇根州的下半岛,请致电866-900-3626,以获取免费估计或fill out the form on our website.
The Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Spray Foam Insulation for Pole Barns
About Amanda Ringler
Amanda previously has worked as a breaking news and crime reporter, TV news producer, and editor inFlint和底特律. Throughout her career as a journalist, she has won several awards from专业记者协会 - 底特律分会和the密歇根新闻协会. As part of the RetroFoam of Michigan family, Amanda uses her experience as a journalist to write content that will help educate homeowners on the benefits of foam insulation. When Amanda isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her husband and rescued huskies. She also loves knitting, making art, cooking, and hosting dinner and a movie night for friends and family.